We Believe...

We believe that rural Nova Scotia is a great place to be an entrepreneur. However, there is much need for improvement. There are gaps in our Western Nova rural ecosystem that we wish to tackle:

Unified Voice

There is no unifying voice that pulls together the diverse organizations, events, and opportunities present in the Annapolis Valley, and sister municipalities. As individuals interested in what this community offers to entrepreneurs and creative professionals, it can be challenging to keep on top of what is going on of interest. This greatly limits regional organizations’ ability to reach out to our community.

Access Ramp

Individuals within our region who are new to this space, or unaware, but would be interested in it, have no central “on-ramp” to its discovery.

Attracting Talent

The talent that we are looking to attract to Western Nova might look unfavorably on our region if they do not see it representing the cultural and business development opportunities that they could access elsewhere.

What is Nova Obsido?

Nova Obsido is an umbrella marketing program that draws together, assists, and coordinates the various organizations, events, and people that define our region’s unique entrepreneurial opportunities. We see our project tackling the following:


Web-based curated calendar of activities related to our Western Nova ecosystems (immediate and surrounding).


An accompanying email newsletter highlighting upcoming activities and events.

Additionally, should we be able to successfully establish such a base program, we could enlarge the program to include:


Directory of ecosystem organizations (startups, accelerators, coworking spaces, networks, institutes, business development organizations, etc).


Map of these organizations.


Curated news feed.

Social Media

Social media tie-ins.

Who are We?

Meet the entrepreneurs


Max Caplan

Hello, I'm Max, a grade 11 student attending Horton High. Ever since I went to the pitches for a local business ideation competition, Start It Up, I've been engaged and interested in local entrepreneurship. With a background in computer science and more artistic endeavors, I have competed in 4 Business ideation competitions placing both 2nd and 1st on two different occasions. I have always wanted to extend my entrepreneurship passion to my family friends and other members of my community, and I believe Nova Obsido is the way to do that


Emma He

Hello! I am Emma He, currently a grade 10 student attending Horton High School. Reading and math are two of my favourite hobbies. I have always been very interested in entrepreneurship. By starting Nova Obsido, I hope to make my contribution to the Nova Scotia business world as a passionate youth!


Andrew Jabez Ramanujam

I’m a 10th-grade student at Horton High School. It is my goal and dream to start an investment company specializing in market securities. But above all, I want to be an entrepreneur with the capability of creating an impact in the world. I believe that passion, guts, and faith are all it takes to become a great influential entrepreneur.


Alexander Plamenov Petkov

My name is Alexander Plamenov Petkov. I am fourteen years old, in the ninth grade attending Horton high school. I am from Bulgaria, but I was born in New Brunswick. I am interested in world history, computer hardware and software (mostly hardware), as well as entrepreneurship. I hope to study computer engineering at a reputable university in an urban area of Canada. By creating Nova Obsido at the young age of fourteen, along with my other group members, I hope to gain valuable knowledge and experience. Even if Nova Obsido fails as a business, the experiences and lessons I have learned will greatly benefit me in the future, and that, to me, is a great success.


Michael Caplan

Mike has been active as a web application developer and web designer for 16 years, working in the non-profit, university, retail, agricultural, and dental industries. He is a founding partner of HarvestHand, a platform that services Community Shared Agriculture farms. Mike founded Refresh Annapolis Valley, a new media professional association to help grow the Valley’s technology industry. Mike is the Software Development Manager for the Labnet Dental Lab Systems division of Henry Schein - a Fortune 300 company with a small footprint here in Wolfville.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why should this initiative be focused on
a small rural area like the Annapolis Valley?

This initiative wants to make western rural Nova Scotia innovate, create businesses, and urbanize. We believe there is greater value in engaging the geographic region targeted by the Innovacorp Spark West Innovation Challenge. This includes Lunenburg, Queens, Shelburne, Yarmouth, Digby, Annapolis, Kings, and Hants counties. We all share alike this rural region of Nova Scotia and collaborate across this region regularly, and our collective footprint provides a more meaningful picture.

Should we not just promote our region’s
activities under the Halifax Startup Digest?

We should absolutely promote our region’s activities to the wider Nova Scotia startup community. HSD is an excellent way to do this. However, HSD has its own mandate which does not include our rural Nova Scotia ecosystem. It is a rare experience to find content in HSD that pulls from our region. Furthermore, HSD does not have a good vantage point to attempt to adequately represent Western Nova, because it is the big urban centres like Halifax that engage and are rich in innovation, business, entrepreneurship, and such.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Halifax has done a remarkable job drawing people in and sustaining a culture that appeals to entrepreneurs and creative professionals. One initiative we want to draw attention to is the Halifax Startup Digest (HSD), run by John Hamblin.
HSD is a twice-monthly email newsletter and web calendar that aggregates events of interest to this Halifax community. As a cross-organization voice, HSD pulls together a compelling picture of the wide range of activities and organizations that make Halifax the dynamic startup ecosystem that it is. Furthermore, HSD draws from relevant programs being delivered in other urban centres in the Atlantic region, and beyond, to help situate Halifax within a larger context. As a volunteer program run by one individual, it is quite an effective community building initiative.

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If you have inqueries please email us at obsidoinfo@gmail.com